Earth/Moon QT Movie March 1, 1992 The file included with this document is a QuickTimeŞ movie designed for use with a Macintosh computer. This file contains a movie of the Earth/Moon system made up of pictures taken by the Galileo spacecraft as it passed by the Earth on a gravity assist in December 1992. Translated from PICS file to QT by: Joseph A. Huwaldt ***************************************************************** Official Info from NASA: This is a time-lapse sequence taken by the Galileo spacecraft on December 16, 1992, eight days after its flyby of the Earth/Moon system en route to Jupiter. The 46 frames span 15 hours of motion by the Earth, Moon and spacecraft. These images were acquired with the 0.968 micron filter so that both vegetated and unvegetated land masses appear bright in contrast to the oceans. South is at top. Visible are the Pacific basin, Australia, Southeast Asia, India, and finally Arabia and the horn of Africa. A remarkable feature of this time-lapse sequence is the specular reflection or sun glint from the sea surface. Depending on the roughness of the water the extent of specular reflection varies rapidly, expanding over rough waters and contracting to a point over still oceanic pools such as near the west coast of Australia. Source: Paul Geissler and Larry Kendall, University of Arizona, with permission of M.J.S. Belton